A lot has been discussed about Mankatha from the day the film was announced by director Venkat Prabhu. To build the suspense factor, the director is also making announcements about the film which has the media and movie buffs going about with their guesswork concerning Mankatha.
When Venkat said earlier that ‘Mankatha is a war’ the media conjectured that it would be similar to Billa but the director immediately denied it. The latest we hear from sources close to the Mankatha team is that it is a gangster story.
The shooting of Mankatha is progressing in full swing with Ajith, Trisha, Premji Amaren and others participating in it, as the team wants to release the film on May Day.
When Venkat said earlier that ‘Mankatha is a war’ the media conjectured that it would be similar to Billa but the director immediately denied it. The latest we hear from sources close to the Mankatha team is that it is a gangster story.
The shooting of Mankatha is progressing in full swing with Ajith, Trisha, Premji Amaren and others participating in it, as the team wants to release the film on May Day.