Shahid Kapoor in 2011
Today, as Shahid Kapoor is celebrating his 30th birthday, our expert Vedic astrologers have analyzed his birth chart to reveal how the year 2011 will be for Shahid. The astrological predictions are based on his moon sign. Here are the details:
- Shahid Kapoor has Libra as his Moon sign. The moon takes the star of Jupiter.
- The moon sign lord Venus is well placed in the 5th house. It is the house that signifies glitz and glamour.
- Venus is well placed along with Sun, the 11th house lord, and Mars, the 2nd and 7th house lord, which bestows him with good gains in cinema. This also indicates that he will receive lot of name and fame for his acting skills.
- Presently he is running Saturn major period. Saturn is a favorable planet to the moon sign Libra. This will bring him good results as name and fame. Shahid Kapoor will have to be extra careful while signing any new assignments. He should also be careful with his romance and relationships as he is under the influence of Sade Sati during the retrograde period of Saturn until May 2011.
Our year long predictions report will help you to identify your favorable or unfavorable times, your career status, financial status, health status and much more. This will help you to make strategic plans and tactical shifts so as to surf the energy waves in the most optimum way possible. So plan your year ahead with Year Long Predictions Report.